Islam Awareness & Education Centre
Ar-Rahmah Academy is based in Chorley, Lancashire.
Chorley is a small market town in the North West of England. There are some 200 Muslim households, mainly from the Indian sub-continent. There is also a growing community from the Middle-East.
The academy was established in 2004 under the auspices & guidance of the eminent scholar, Sheikh Muhammad Saleem Dhorat (hafizahullahu). Sheikh Saleem is the founder of the Islamic Da’wah Academy in Leicester U.K and one of the most influential Scholars of the U.K. More information regarding the Sheikh can be found on Islamic Da’wah Academy’s website; www.idauk.org.
Goals & Objectives
Ar-Rahmah Academy was established to engender a better understanding and awareness of the teachings of Islam among the general community and to address common misunderstandings regarding the religion of Islam through an Islam Awareness facility.
Another prime objective of establishing the Academy, was to provide a high standard of basic to advanced Islamic Education for Muslims in particular the youth and children.
The Need
Prior to the Academy being founded (in 2004) young Muslim children, in Chorley, had access to only very basic Islamic education. Children above the age of eleven or twelve did not have access to any Islamic education whatsoever. Education for adults was also non-existent.
After consulting and taking guidance from Shiekh Muhammad Saleem Dhorat (hafizahullah) it was decided that the long term solution to address these very urgent needs was to work towards establishing an educational institute. And so in the year 2004 Ar-Rahmah Academy was found.
Purchase of Premise
After its establishment the Academy initiated its educational activities (mainly Qur’an recitation with tajweed & memorization of the Glorious Qur’an) in a local house. The number of pupils continued to increase until teaching in a house became problematic for both the house hold and the students.
To properly accommodate the present pupils at the time and to further expand the activities of the Academy to meet its objectives the Academy felt it necessary to purchase a property. Therefore, in 2007 a property (142 Lyons Lane Chorley) was purchased.
Expansion of Activities & Classes for Teenage Girls
Due to the purchase of the property the Academy was able to significantly expand its activities and most importantly provide Islamic education for teenage girls.
The following classes took place in the newly purchased property;
Foundation Class ; Quran Class and Structured Islamic education for boys & girls from the age of four to 7
Quran Class and Structured Islamic education for boys & girls aged over 7
Qur’an Memorizatiion Class for boys & girls
Arabic & Islamic Studies Course for girls
Adult Class for Females
Purchase of a larger Premise
Over the next few years (from 2007 onward) as the growing community of Chorley saw the positive work of the Academy, pupils began to increase.
Eventually, in 2011 the Academy began to search for a larger property. This search continued until in 2013 when the former church on Park Road, Chorley was purchased for £320,000.
The property is situated in a prime location. It is a walking distance from the town center and excellent for commuters with major motorway links such as M6, M65 and M61 just minutes drive away.
Building works
To move the pupils of Ar-Rahmah Academy to this larger property some building works were necessary.
After the first phase of building works were completed male students were moved to this property.
Late 2018, the Academy took the decision to move the remaining (female) pupils, in to the property. For this next phase it was necessary to complete the building works.
Alhamdulillah, the building works will be completed towards the end of April 2019, after which all the pupils of the Academy will be under one roof.
Masjid Ibraheem
Due to the location of the property, (the property is over one mile away from the only other Masjid in Chorley) it was decided to, at the same time convert the main hall in to a Masjid. This would allow teachers and pupils to offer their prayers during class time and near by Muslims to offer their prayers with ease.
Current Activities
The Academy alhamdulillah is continually striving to meet its goals and objectives and the purchase of the former Church and establishing Masjid Ibraheem has allowed Ar-Rahmah Academy to expand its activities further.
The following activities have been added;
Arabic & Islamic Studies for boys
Adult Classes for Males
Weekly Tafseer , Hadith & Seerah Lessons
Success & Achievements
26 pupils have completed memorization of the Glorious Qur’an including 7 female pupils
7 female pupils have completed the 6 Year Arabic & Islamic Studies Course
Numerous pupils have learnt to recite the Qur’an and basic Islamic teachings.
Future Projection
There are currently approximately 120 pupils benefiting from the various classes and activities of the Academy.
The Academy is likely to see a significant increase in these numbers. The two main factors contributing to this anticipated increase will be the establishment of Masjid Ibraheem and the start of the five daily prayers including Jumuah. The second factor is the continuously growing community.
Islam Awareness Facility
The Academy has always aspired to initiate a facility for our non-Muslim brethren; a convenient place where those interested in learning about Islam would feel welcomed.
The Academy believes that this facility would benefit the Muslims and the wider community. As this facility demands financial support the Academy plans to initiate this project once the overall interest free loans owed by the Academy are significantly decreased.
The Method of Raising Funds
The main source of funding has been ‘Qardh e hasanah; interest free loans given by Muslim brothers & sisters. The loaned amount is returned on a date fixed by the lender. If the lender is unsure when the money will be needed the Academy requests the lender to inform the Academy one month before the money is needed. The lent amount to the Academy has varied between £500.00 and £80,000.
Another source of funding is donation.
Our Teachers
The Academy currently employs 5 male and 6 female teachers. All our teachers are British born and Qualified. They have all graduated formally from well known U.K. Islamic institutes.
Mission Statement
“We aspire to mould young individuals with moral and spiritual attributes which have been characteristics of the luminaries of Islam throughout the generations, so that they too may become a beacon of spiritual light.”
Summary Financial Statement:
Ar-Rahmah Academy is a U.K. registered charity (1115618). The date of registration is 28th July 2006. Detailed information (including annual accounts) related to the charity can be found on the U.K. Charity Commision website.
The current amount that Ar-Rahmah Academy owes to lenders as of June 2021 is £298,000
The Academy is in need of funds to continue returning the Qardh e Hasanah (interest free loans).
We hope you will consider donating generously towards this very noble cause. InshaAllah your donation will assist the Academy to become loan free and to serve the community even better. And for yourself, inshaAllah, will be everlasting reward in the Here-after.
May Allah Ta’ala accept our humble efforts for His religion and make them purely for His pleasure. Aameen
How to Donate
The best way to donate is is by Bank Transfer
Ar-Rahmah Academy
Sort Code: 40 17 21
Account No. 71416588
Cheques are payable to: Ar-Rahmah Academy
If you wish to make a cash donation please contact the Academy.
Ar-Rahmah Academy Park Road Chorley PR7 1QN
Email: info@ar-rahmah.org.uk
Tel: 01257 543786 (24 hour line)
Our Appeal
To render and further the services of the Academy, a suitable property was purchased. The property was renovated to comply with building regulations. By the Grace of Allah, the Academy now serves all sections of the Muslim community through various activities.
How your donations will benefit you:
- By donating you are playing your part in safeguarding and propagating Islam
- Spending in charitable causes is a means of barakah in this world
- You will gain everlasting reward in the Hereafter
- Spending in charity wards off calamities